PCM Energy P. Ltd
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Phase Change Material Manufacturers - PCM
Phase Change Material Salt - All your Definition Physics & Chemistry of Thermal Energy Storage Science & Application for Electronic Cooling Construction or Building Refrigeration Freezer Heat Sinks or Storage by Renewable Energy or Solar Energy.
Phase Change Materials (PCMs) or Thermal Salts are "latent" energy storage materials. They use chemical bonds to store and release heat. The thermal energy transfer occurs when a material changes from a solid to a liquid, or from a liquid to a solid. This is called a change in state, or "phase." Ice changes phase when heated at 0 deg C and is converted to water. Ice is an excellent PCM.
It absorbs a large amount of heat in the process of changing from solid to liquid phase and this results in cooling of the surroundings. But what if you require this heat at a temperature other than zero? Thermal Salts can give out latent heat at a wide range of temperatures from sub-zero to several hundred degrees. This 'heat-on-demand' requirement is satisfied by PCMs which work at specified temperatures. We have developed a wide range of Thermal Salt for different applications and our team of scientists and engineers can arrive at a customized PCM solution for your unique need.
PCMs can be broadly classed as Organic and Inorganic.
Organic PCMs:
Organic Thermal Salt can be Aliphatic or Other Organics. Users rarely specify the use of Organic PCMs. Latest TM can offer Organic PCMs in low temperature range. Organic items are expensive and they have average Latent Heat per unit volume and low density. Most items in organic range are combustible in nature. They also have a wider range of Melting Point. Some customers specify organic PCM and we offer them as per their requirement. You need specify the desired Melting Point only.Inorganic PCMs:
Inorganic Thermal Salt are generally Hydrated Salt based materials. Academicians are likely to misguide you into using pure hydrated salts like Sodium Sulphate Decahydrate and so on. Hydrated salts have a number of hydrates and an anhydrous form leading to stratification of material and loss of Latent Heat recovery with time. Hydrated salts also have a sub-cooling tendency. Old generation Thermal Salt manufacturers managed to add performance-enhancing agents. These additives do help in delaying the degradation of the thermal salt for say 100 cycles or thereabout. However, they do not address the basic reasons due to which sub-cooling and degradation happens. Earlier researchers emphasized that it is beneficial to use impure grades of base material as it promotes the nucleation and prevents sub-cooling. However, impurities also promoted nucleation of undesirable hydrates leading to stratification. Experts on crystallography have managed to identify the “Preferred Crystal Nucleation” method. It consists of a “Cold Finger” that nucleates and promotes the growth of desired crystals and “Detoxification” or “Selective Elimination” whereby any impurity that promotes the growth of undesirable crystals is removed. The current methods of Thermal Salt manufacturing are like the new generation “Combination Drugs”.
Selected List of Hydrated Salt - Eutectic PCM by Melting Point Temperature.
Melting Point oC Latent Heat (L.H.) KJ/Kg & Specific Gravity Freezer Salt -50°C 325 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.3 -23°C 330 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr .= 1.2 -16°C 330 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.02 Ice 00°C 335 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1 Preservation 04°C 105 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 07°C 135 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 07°C 300 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 10°C 170 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 15°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 Air Condition - Electronics - Solar 18°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5 21°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5 24°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5 27°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5 29°C 175 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5 32°C 210 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 36°C 260 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 40°C 220 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 45°C 220 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 48°C 220 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 58°C 220 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.4 68°C 220 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.8 70°C 230 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.8 78°C 240 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.8 89°C 145 L.H in KJ/Kg & Sp.Gr. = 1.5-1.6 We have PCM & Heat-Treatment Salts upto 1100oC The Yellow Marked Products are running items and extensively used world wide. For a detailed write up on Thermal Salt visit our page PCM Manufacturers Products. It gives general information on all the products like T-series Salts18-29C; S-series Salts 32-48C. Hot & Cold Packs, Freezer Salts, “Your Choice PCM”, and Encapsulation are also addressed.
For a write up on Thermal Salt for general purpose like Green house Electronics, visit our page PCM - General Products like Green House Electronic cooling. It covers most items with a little more details.
For a PCM cooled low humidity 7200 sq. ft. ware house click Air conditioned by PCM - Phase Change in Houston, USA.
For a write up on Thermal Salt Free Air Conditioning & Heating by Day-Night equalization at a target of 23-24oC, green House at 16oC and Cold Storage-Shipment visit our page Phase Change Materials Air Conditioner at 21C or 29C
You may also check Natural Cooling - PCM AC. Backup
For a write up on Thermal Salt for Air Conditioning Back-up & Free-Cooling by Day-Night equalization in Telecom Shelter along with a Live-Site Trial, Elimination of Diesel Generator visit our page Telecom Shelters - PCM
For Encapsulation of PCMs visit our page PCM - Encapsulation
For Testing Methods, Conversion to BTU/oF/lb etc. and Frequently Asked Questions visit our page Doctor Says
PCM - Phase Change Material Manufacturers & Suppliers
PCM Energy P. Ltd
Mazgaon, Mumbai 400 010, INDIA
TEL: 91-22-23770100, 23774610, 23726950, 23723564
Current Date Time in India is GMT+5:30Email: anmol@pcmenergy.com
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Last updated: 11.09.2021
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I shall pass through this world, but once. If therefore, there is any good that I can do, or if there is any favor that I can show to a fellow human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it. For I shall not tread this way again.
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